33 - Yasmeen Watson Sharif - The Joker


This week on Out of Curiosity with kt mather, I chat with my former student Yasmeen Watson Sharif. We talk about long commutes to school, an uptick in photo ops when you hit multiple diversity demographics for a private school, Nantucket-level wealth, getting past the fear of screwing up so you can host someone from another culture and therefore deepen your relationship, the ”the more things change, the more they stay the same” conundrum of too many interesting ideas to pursue, water ice, skeevy dudes and whether it matters if they say it or just think it, plus a deep dive into the controversial movie The Joker that I went to see because both Yaz and Michael Moore recommended it and which I liked for some reasons and loathed for others.

33 - Yasmeen Watson Sharif - The Joker
kt mather
kt matherbatch2